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Content Creation: Notable Dates for December

Your audience likes information in different ways: text, videos, podcasts, and graphics.
To reach as many people as you can, you need to generate content and serve it up in different ways. Here are some notable dates for the month of December to help inspire some ideas on how to do this:










Christmas is not the only day to celebrate in December! 

December Is:
AIDS Awareness Month
Write to a Friend Month
Bingo’s Birthday Month
National Drunk & Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month
National and Universal Human Rights Month
National Tie Month
National Write a Business Plan Month
Operation Santa Paws (1-24)
Quince and Watermelon Month
Root Vegetables and Exotic Fruits Month
Safe Toys and Gifts Month
Spiritual Literacy Month
Tomato and Winter Squash Month
Worldwide Food Service Safety Month

December Weekly Celebrations:
Clerc-Gallaudet Week: 3 -10 Promoting Organizations Serving Deaf Diversity
Cookie Cutter Week: 1-7
Crohn’s and Colitis Awareness Week: 1-7
National Hand Washing Awareness Week: 4-10  (First Week)
Recipe Greetings For The Holidays Week: 3-9 (First Full Week)
Human Rights Week: 10-17
Halcyon Days: 14-28 (Always 7 days before and 7 days after the Winter Solstice)
Christmas Bird Count Week: December 14-January 5
Gluten-free Baking Week: 17-23 (Week Before Christmas)
Posadas: 16-24
Saturnalia: 17-23
It’s About Time Week: 25-31
Kwanzaa: December 26 – January 1

December Daily Celebrations:
Saturday, Dec. 1: AIDS Awareness Day; Eat a Red Apple Day

Sunday, Dec. 2: First Sunday of Advent; National Fritters Day

Monday, Dec. 3: National Roof Over Your Head Day

Tuesday, Dec. 4: Santa's List Day; Wear Brown Shoes Day

Wednesday, Dec. 5: Bathtub Party Day; Repeal Day—the 21st Amendment ends Prohibition; Ninja Day

Thursday, Dec. 6: St. Nicholas Day; Mitten Tree Day; Put On Your Own Shoes Day; Miners' Day

Friday, Dec. 7: Pearl Harbor Remembrance; International Civil Aviation Day; Letter Writing Day; National Cotton Candy Day

Saturday, Dec. 8: Feast of the Immaculate Conception; Hanukkah begins at sundown; National Brownie Day; Take It In the Ear Day

Sunday, Dec. 9: First full day of Hanukkah. This Jewish festival of lights lasts for eight days; Second Sunday of Advent; Christmas Card Day; International Children's Day; National Pastry Day; Salesperson's Day; Choral Day

Monday, Dec. 10: Human Rights Day

Tuesday, Dec. 11: National Noodle Ring Day; Mountain Day

Wednesday, Dec. 12: Poinsettia Day

Thursday, Dec. 13: Ice Cream Day; Violin Day

Friday, Dec. 14: National Bouillabaisse Day; Monkey Day

Saturday, Dec. 15: Bill of Rights Day; National Lemon Cupcake Day; Cat Herders Day

Sunday, Dec. 16: Last day of Hanukkah; Third Sunday of Advent; National Chocolate Covered Anything Day

Monday, Dec. 17: Pan American Aviation Day; Wright Brothers Day; National Maple Syrup Day; Underdog Day

Tuesday, Dec. 18: Bake Cookies Day; National Roast Suckling Pig Day

Wednesday, Dec. 19: Look for an Evergreen Day; Oatmeal Muffin Day

Thursday, Dec. 20: Go Caroling Day; Games Day

Friday, Dec. 21: Winter Solstice, First Day of Winter; Humbug Day; National Flashlight Day; Look on the Bright Side Day; Hamburger Day

Saturday, Dec. 22: National Date Nut Bread Day; Haiku Poetry Day

Sunday, Dec. 23: Fourth Sunday of Advent; Festivus "For the Rest of Us"; Roots Day

Monday, Dec. 24: Christmas Eve; George Washington's Birthday; National Chocolate Day; National Egg Nog Day

Tuesday, Dec. 25: Christmas—Christian observance of Jesus' birth; National Pumpkin Pie Day

Wednesday, Dec. 26: Kwanzaa, which lasts through Jan. 1; Boxing Day; Thank You Note Day; National Whiners Day

Thursday, Dec. 27: Make Cut Out Snowflakes Day; National Fruitcake Day

Friday, Dec. 28: Card Playing Day

Saturday, Dec. 29: Pepper Pot Day; Tick Tock Day

Sunday, Dec. 30: National Bicarbonate of Soda Day; Bacon Day

Monday, Dec. 31: New Year's Eve; Unlucky Day; No Interruptions Day

Create Away!

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