Consulting & Social Media Marketing Services

Tip for Social Media Marketing - Easy Content Creation

One of the main topics for Facebooks recent F8 Conference was new ways to STRENGTHEN CONNECTIONS with people and THINGS THEY LOVE.

Social Media Marketing

This is why the recent changes to the Facebook algorithm put a HUGE emphasis on what friends and family share over what businesses advertise. So, when planning your social media instead of creating content for your Facebook business page create content for the feed of the people that follow you.

➡️Serve them thoughtful information. - They will be inspired to share.

➡️➡️ Help them by providing actionable tips, tricks and advice that will positively impact their life instantly. - They will be inspired to share.

➡️➡️➡️Entertain them with kittens, puppies and jokes - they will want to share with others! (not kidding…I am serious about this)

Get the idea?

Bottom line: An authentic well-planned strategy that consists of authentic content creation is the best way to truly cultivate connection with them.

And yes, it really is that simple.

Especially if you are paying attention to your insights and leveraging that information to create - I am going to say it again 😎- content that they will be inspired to share!

Do this and the Facebook Algorithm will reward you.

A well-thought-out and strategic social media marketing plan will help you grow your business, build your brand and engage with your target audience. If you would like assistance with your social media marketing plan call April at 760-405-4834 or click this link to schedule a FREE 30-minute Strategy Call.

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